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8 Last Minute Gift Ideas for Mother's Day

Okay, let's say you've been busy lately and haven't had time to get Mom anything for Mother's Day. Maybe those weeks just went flying by and all of a sudden you look up and Mother's Day is a few days away. Or you just have no earthly idea what to get for her! SHEER PANIC sets in and you can't think. Not to worry. I've got your back on this one!

This year you're going to prep Mom for a relaxing, fun summer spending time with one of her favorite people...YOU!

For this little exercise I checked out both Target and Walmart because most people have at least one of those available near them. That means you can run out and buy these items today! Okay, one little caveat...everything here was available at my local stores. Your store may have different availability. But if you stick to these categories your bound to find something great.

Ready? On the left are Target finds, on the right are Walmart. Just click each picture for details. Let's go!

#1. Bright, fun outdoor serveware - Help Mom set the best table on the block! Something unbreakable is key to stressless summer meals.

#2. A drink dispenser - Because your mother shouldn't have to keep refreshing everyone's glasses all afternoon.

#3. A bocce ball set - Summer games are a no-brainer for lazy weekend days.

#4. A breezy pool cover-up - Mom should look stylish while lounging by the pool.

#5. Some ultra chic sunglasses - because ditto.

#6. A hammock - after all that time in the sun Mom needs a place to rest in the shade.

#7. A firepit - the best place to end a great summer day surrounded by loved ones and maybe a s'more or two.

#8. Crisp, cool linen sheets - so Mom can rest up in comfort for yet another gorgeous summer day. (I couldn't find any of these at Walmart...not in stock at the store I went for a nice high thread count cotton, which is just as good).

Ok, got the idea? You're gifting Mom the dream baby! Now that you've got the vision get out there and make some Mother's Day magic!

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